Splendid Tempests One
by KC Pollak
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
12.000 x 12.000 inches
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Splendid Tempests One
KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol In On Graphix Plastic Paper
This is the first of 3 pieces titled Splendid Tempests. The one you’re looking at now was the first creation. The title seems to be an oxymoron. Splendid Tempest? A tempest is a raging storm. But the fact that this is splendid makes it a wonder instead of wind or a raging storm. The colors you see here look like a possible storm but the person standing in the water makes it look calm and well, splendid. A place for contemplation and questions and peace. Storms seem to always bring peace in their wake. No matter how violent they are. As much damage as they can cause, a fresh newness replaces everything. It makes me feel like something splendid is about to happen. Thank you so much for reading this and looking at my art. It touches my soul.
January 1st, 2021