by KC Pollak
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 8.500 inches
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KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol Ink On Kirkland Photo Paper
This piece (Orbits) is a representation of human social interaction (or lack thereof). A community can look like it has come together on the surface. But in reality, we all tend to stay with people that are like us. Whether it is the way we look, a religion, politics, opinion, body type, hair color, skin color, rich or poor or middle class, tattoos, body piercings, language spoken, urban, suburban, country, vegan, young, old … and/or on and on and on. Inevitably there will be a judgement made about someone (or you) and that judgement is the decision to get to know someone, or not. We all judge. No matter how much we think we don’t, we do. All humans do. Of course there are exceptions. But my point is that we are near someone that is not like us and meaningful interaction never happens. We rarely get to really know someone that is different from us. Even though we are all part of the same human race and struggle with the same issues in life. That should be our common ground. We’re all orbiting around each other in communities or pockets of people and that orbit tends to stay that way. Like the planets in our solar system. Close but not close. Not really.
This is the first of 3 pieces. I will try to illustrate what it can look like when someone steps out of their comfort zone to get to know someone they might otherwise never meet or get to know in a meaningful way. If we all did this the world would be a much different place. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and look at my art. It’s appreciated more than you know.
June 12th, 2021