Orbits Evolve
by KC Pollak
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 8.500 inches
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Orbits Evolve
KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol Ink On Kirkland Photo Paper
This piece (Orbits Evolve) is a representation of human social interaction (or the beginnings of). A community can look like it has come together on the surface. But in reality, we all tend to stay with people that are like us. In some cases I truly don’t believe this is a conscious decision. We are human beings and find those that either look like us or have the same set of values or needs. When a community of people reaches out to other communities, groups, neighborhoods (or just others) that are ‘different’ in some way there tends to be a clash of some sort. But also, there can be a melding. Learning happens and new ideas are shared, and through this, new friendships evolve. We are at a very tentative crossroads in this country (U.S.A.) right now. Politics has divided us for a long time but no time in history has it been so destructive. We are getting farther and farther apart in thinking and those that disagree someone else are seen as an enemy. Kindness is still out there but it seems so rare. Especially in parts of the country where there isn’t much diversity. These places tend to breed what I see as a frightning cultlike behavior. It is truly scary. People don’t stop and try to see something from another’s perspective at all anymore. It’s just … ‘they’re wrong’. That’s when learning stops and walls go up. I have never seen anything like what is happening right now in this country. I don’t want to be cheesy and think that world peace is possible. Like dreams of people that believe in unicorns or that there are pots of gold at the end of rainbows. It also probably seems cynical for me to say that. But then there are times when my faith is renewed in humanity. When one community of people reaches out to another community and they come together for a common purpose. This is what I hope beings to happen and this is what this piece of art represents. Yes, it’s messy. But humans are messy creatures. It doesn’t mean that’s a bad thing. We ALL have this in common. Maybe we can start here? Messy human?
August 18th, 2021