Just Standing Around
by KC Pollak
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 8.500 inches
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Just Standing Around
KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol Ink On Kirkland Photo Paper
Just Standing Around is a piece that came about by accident. I was headed in a different direction when suddenly I saw legs of people standing and talking. I realized that this type of society might not be possible again for quite a while, if ever. Clearly these people are not social distancing from one another. Is this before the coronavirus? Is this now? Are people wearing masks? Are they just hanging out with one another? Are they family? Are they at church or some other social gathering? Has a vaccine been found, and the world returns to ‘normal’? What is normal now? What will it look like if we ever get there again? Some will always be fearful of being around other people, even if the virus is completely eradicated. Some people never were fearful and continue on with their lives. Even so, they can’t return to where they were just a few months ago. None of us can. What will our future hold? Will we make it out of this as a whole society? What is going to happen to us as a human race?
July 27th, 2020