Frozen Wave

by KC Pollak
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 9.000 inches
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Frozen Wave
KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol Ink On Duralar Film
This piece has a dual image. It looks like a frozen wave but there is also a cross in there. See it? It was created with alcohol ink on Duralar film with an airbrush. This one took forever to make. I kept working small amounts of ink into the shape of the wave. It took about 2 days of solid working the inks around and around. It was tedious but in a fun way. Sometimes I get in a zone with something like that and I finally had to make myself stop and call it finished. The colors are a subtle variation between denim blue and violet. It is soft and subtle and at the same time sharp and jagged. It looks like ice crystals formed while a wave was forming. It's absolutely stunning and fierce!
October 21st, 2018