Crying Up
by KC Pollak
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 12.000 inches
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Crying Up
KC Pollak
Painting - Alcohol Ink On Graphix Paper
I call ‘Crying Up’ a form of crying that ultimately ends up making your soul feel better. The ‘Up’ part is crying out to the Holy Spirit at the same time. Our souls are intricately intertwined with the Spirit and when we are heartbroken, so is He. He is waiting there to soothe our soul … if we allow it and are open and receptive. It’s easy to let the troubles of the world pile up and then get overwhelmed by them and never once cry out. We’re told from childhood to just toughen up. Crying is for babies and sissies. But it isn’t. It’s why we have tears ducts. Tears wash the eyes clean. Tears can wash our souls clean too. If we cry for the sake of crying, then we sometimes end up feeling empty inside. If we cry out to nothing, it leaves us feeling emptier. Depression sets in and then my soul spiral down into a black empty nothingness. This has been the story of my life for decades. I now find that I no longer have the need to cry as much … now that I have a connection with the Holy Spirit inside (not just outside). When I do cry, it’s refreshing and redemptive. It is healing. Try crying up and reaching for the one who created us instead of feeding the darkness.
This piece took me several days to create. I used micro brushes in creating the tiny, fine details on this one. It just so happened that I had done some crying soon after starting this one and it changed the direction this piece entirely. It changed it for the better, I think.
The area in which I live (western slope of Colorado) always give me color and composition inspiration. The ever-changing colors of the environment, depending on sunrise, sunset, or just middle of the day … are endlessly fascinating. Never are two days the same. I am so thankful I live here and get to be inspired by the nature around me on a daily basis.
I hope the colors and this piece bring a soothing (as well as energetic) feel to whatever space you decide to put it in. It also has a great motion to it, as well. Enjoy!
February 17th, 2020